Can You Use Waze In A Tesla? (How To Do It)

Tesla’s current map application is certainly not bad by any means, but a fresh perspective and a new map interface can make a world of difference to the driving experience. Because it offers a little bit more freedom of choice regarding your route, you may wonder if you can use Waze in a Tesla.

You can use Waze in a Tesla, but not as a standalone application. One method is to run Waze on your smartphone while connected to your Tesla via Bluetooth, and it will give you directions through your Tesla’s audio system. The second method involves loading up Waze on your Tesla’s web browser.

The Tesla map system is far better integrated than Waze, but the extra features that Waze has to offer can be very enticing. While not perfectly implemented, the experience is more than functional and easy to set up. Read on below for some important info and a more in-depth look at the 2 methods.

Can You Display Waze On Any Tesla Screen?

You can display Waze on any Tesla screen as long as your Tesla can access the web browser, but be aware this will not be the same as using the Waze app in other vehicles. If you are unable to use Waze on your web browser, there is always the option of running it through your phone via Bluetooth. 

If you simply want an alternative to Tesla’s navigation system that works natively with no issues, Google Maps may be a good option for you. Waze is the only navigation system that shows speed traps so, depending on your needs, Waze may be worth the compromise if that’s an important feature for you

Waze is the only navigation service that does not have offline functionality when used on a Tesla out of the big three: Tesla’s navigation system, Google Maps, and Apple Maps. Using Waze through your mobile phone on your Tesla via Bluetooth is completely free and allows you to use the frequently updated app through your audio system, but there is still no offline functionality

Is TeslaWaze The Same As Waze?

TeslaWaze is not the same as standard Waze, as this was a dedicated, proprietary app that was discontinued in 2018. You can no longer use this app, and instead you must use the car’s web browser to access the normal Waze system, but this can come with its own set of problems.

One large drawback in particular is the Waze website’s inability to update its information in sync with the mobile app. This means that updates to navigation data are dependent on when the developers of the website decide to update it. Other applications also can’t be opened at the same time as Waze, so adjusting your volume or changing music requires you to minimize the browser. 

Tesla’s navigation system also allows you to use it offline, whereas Waze does not have this functionality. Google Maps and Apple Maps also allow some form of offline functionality, but this is simply not a feature on the Waze standalone mobile app or the Waze website. 

However, if you plan on using Waze through your phone connected via Bluetooth, you can of course use other applications at the same time as Waze but with no active display. Tesla’s navigation system also allows for voice control, which is absent on Waze when used through the web browser. 

This voice control functionality is not only extremely helpful, but it’s great for general safety as it allows you to give the road in front of you all your attention instead of fumbling with the Tesla display. Tesla uses Google Maps as the foundation of its map system, which is one of the more tried and tested forms of navigation.

What About Google Maps?

Google Maps is updated far more frequently, and data is synced in real time, meaning you get the most up-to-date navigation data possible. However, Waze does have some features that Tesla’s navigation system lacks, such as the ability to show you speed traps, among other things that are updated by other Waze users. 

Waze compared to Google Maps in general has more focus on driving whereas Google Maps is more generalized. Waze still shows you charger stations on the map so there are no issues in this respect. While Waze isn’t natively compatible with any Tesla, Google Maps is, and depending on what you need from your navigation system, it might be a better alternative to Tesla’s navigation system.     

Is Tesla Waze Free?

Tesla Waze is completely free to use as it’s accessed through the Tesla web browser. As long as your Tesla can access the Waze website, you should be able to use it for navigation, but you should be wary of any issues with connectivity, old navigation data, and the website sometimes not loading. 

The standalone app that you can get on your phone is also completely free of charge. This is the same for Tesla’s navigation system, Google Maps, and Apple Maps, each of which has a competitive list of features, but all get the job done. 


• Waze is not natively compatible with any Tesla

• Tesla did have its own version of Waze, but it was discontinued in 2018

• We recommend sticking to Tesla’s own navigation system or using Google Maps

Integrated Alternative To Tesla NS and Waze

Google Maps is a downloadable application on Tesla systems and can be used flawlessly, similar to the Tesla navigation system. It should be noted that Tesla’s navigation system is based on Google Maps, and so there are a lot of similarities between the two. 

This means that it does not have to be minimized when accessing other background apps, it has voice control, offline functionality, and is completely free. Google Maps is generally more accurate than Waze. Google maps will also work through your audio system and has voice control. The typical performance of the app is far better than that of Tesla Waze and has far fewer hiccups or slowdowns. 

However, Google Maps does lack the ability to update you on speed traps. If this is something you feel is a must-have feature, then Waze may be worth the compromises I’ve mentioned. Otherwise, Google Maps, while perhaps not having as aesthetically pleasing an interface as Waze, is the best alternative to Tesla’s integrated navigation system. 

2 Methods To Connect Your Tesla To Waze

Method 1

To use Waze in your Tesla using the web browser:

  1. Open up your web browser on your Tesla
  2. Type in the URL ‘’
  3. Select ‘Live Maps’

This will allow you to navigate using your local map in real time. If the website lags or an error occurs, just try refreshing the website. There are known issues with using Waze in a Tesla, so this may occur from time to time. Other applications cannot be used at the same time as Waze through this web browser method.

Method 2

To use Waze in your Tesla using the mobile app:

  1. Connect your phone to your Tesla via Bluetooth
  2. Open the Waze mobile app on your phone
  3. Use Waze normally from your phone, with directions narrated through your Tesla’s audio system

This is the most reliable way to connect Waze to your Tesla, but sadly you don’t get the Waze interface displayed on your Tesla’s display. The data will be more accurate, as the app’s navigation data is updated in real time by other users of Waze. This updating process is not done automatically on the web version, so navigation data has the potential to be unreliable when using the first method.

Final Thoughts

You can use Waze in a Tesla, but it’s not natively supported. Waze isn’t perfectly integrated with Tesla, but it is functional and has some features the Tesla navigation system lacks. Using Waze through your phone via Bluetooth may be the most reliable method to use Waze in your Tesla. 

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